Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014


So I'm in the middle of switching over to a new book, but in the meantime I'm taking a break and reading through some shorter materials.

Yesterday, I dove into the cookbooks we have to start looking for ways to use some of the things from my garden.  I love these little breaks I take between bigger books.  I get a chance to get caught up on some good sources of reading.  We don't always need to be reading  BIGGER books.  Sometimes it's really nice to read something short, such as an article or recipe.

What do you guys think?  Do you ever do things like this?

Take care.

Mr. K

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WOW!!  Where do a couple days go?  Sorry everyone.  I let myself simply get distracted.  I actually had two meetings up in Grand Haven Monday and Tuesday.  You'll all be excited to hear we had a meeting about how we can use the "Green Tickets" better next year.  Should be good stuff.  I then had computer training yesterday where we are learning about our brand new grade book on the computer for next year.  Yeah!

Hey, I also finished Wildwood by Meloy.  There is a sequel called Under Wildwood as well.  I highly recommend the book for those who love that animal fantasy style.

I picked up the new Time magazine and read an interesting article about all of the gadgets that houses in the future will have.  I do recommend magazines for you guys after you finish books.  Great way to read something very small, but good before selecting a new book.  The article kind of creeped me out.  You guys know I am not much of a techie, but this article talked about syncing all of your home together.  Meals would be cooked by computers before you even got home, you know things like that.  Interesting, but I'm not sure it's for me.

Keep reading out there everyone and sorry for the days off.

Take care.

Mr. K