Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, Nov. 30

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Wednesday night:

1. Math: purple sheet pages 101 and 102
*Unit 4 math test on Friday

2. Social Studies: notes are finished (red cover packet)
*Test over Unit 3 Friday
*10 minutes minimum looking over pages 16-19

3. Return your AR goal sheets for 2nd marking period by Friday

That's all folks,

Mr. K

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29

Greetings one and all,

Welcome back. It really was a very nice day today back and getting into our groove once again.

Here is the homework for a Tuesday night:

1. Bring home our Words Their Way spelling sorts and sort at home.
*We did not go into our groups today, we will get back into this next Tuesday.

2. Math: pages 99 and 100
*Test over Unit 4 THIS FRIDAY!

3. Social Studies Test over Unit 3 THIS FRIDAY!
*The study guide will be completed tomorrow at school (so don't look for that till tomorrow night.)

4. Brainstormers writing final draft due next week Wednesday
*We just kicked this off today. Some students may want to do a little work on this tonight.

5. Sherlock Holmes endings to be shared this Friday.
*This is being done in class.

*Note about the Friday, Dec. 16 Winter Klanderman Auction (green sheet)

That's all for today folks,

Mr. K

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Monday night:

1. Make sure to check your emails for a note about tomorrow's flag-football game after school @ Robinson.

2. Math: pages 97 and 98
*Mini Quiz tomorrow.

3. Sherlock Holmes Ending: due Thursday, Dec. 1

That's all folks,

Mr. K

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Thursday night:

1. Math: pages 95 and 96

2. Reading: Sherlock Holmes packet page 48

3. Writing: Final Draft of the Literary Essay due tomorrow

That's all folks,

*Oh, only 3 days left (Tuesday) till AR goals are due!

Mr. K

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Wednesday:

1. Math: pages 93 and 94
*No mini quiz this week

2. Reading: Sherlock Holmes page 39

3. Literary Essay: Final Draft Due this Friday

*Please make sure to take home your Words Their Way sort and do your sort, checked by Mom and Dad tonight.
-Don't forget to bring it back tomorrow.

That's all folks.

Mr. K

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for Tuesday night:

1. Math: pages 91 and 92

2. Reading: Sherlock Holmes mystery packet pages 32 and 36

3. Writing: Final draft for the Literary Essay is due Friday
*most is being done in class

4. Picture Re-take day Tomorrow (Wed)

5. Words Their Way (Lists/Words went home today)

That's all folks.

Mr. K

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Monday night:


Get some good independent reading done tonight!

Tuesday night will be a bit heavy so enjoy tonight!

Mr. K

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greetings one and all,

The primary homework for tonight is to get ready for Friday's Unit 3 Math test.
*Hard cover book to study
*Homework booklet has numerous examples

Also, a mini Social Studies Quiz tomorrow covering the 3 American Indian regions we have discussed.

That's all.

Mr. K

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday, November 9, 2011

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Thursday night:

1. Math: pages 77 and 78 (for Thursday)
*Unit 3 Test Friday

2. Writing: Literary Essay Final Draft (you choice of 4 short stories) will be due NEXT week Friday.

3. Orange permission slip for the Robinson vs. Peach Flag Football Game with former Peach Plains teacher Mr. Weigel. Check out the details on the permission sheet.

4. Reading: AR goals are due Nov. 22

That's all folks,

Mr. K

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Greetings one and all,

Here is the homework for a Tuesday night:

1. Math: pages 75 and 76 (Wed)
*Math Test over Unit 3 Friday

2. Literary Essay Rough Draft over the story "Eleven" due Wed.
*Story and example have been provided

3. November 22, last day for AR testing for the 1st trimester

4. Words Their Way groups kicked off today, but will officially start with work next week.

*Yankee Candle Orders are in. Please Pick-up ASAP! They will be stored in my room.



Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7

Greetings once again, it's been a while,

Here is the homework for a Monday night:

1. Math: page 71 (1-8)
*Extra worksheet (Rounding ALL)
*Every problem, underline the place value and circle the digit behind
*Unit 3 Test will be this Friday

2. Writing: Literary Essay sample for the story "Eleven"
*Due Wednesday

3. Read for 20 minutes
*AR points are due Nov. 22 (10:30am)

4. Science: if you didn't finish your pages 8-9 they are due tomorrow.

*Fundraiser $$$ due by Friday!

That's all folks.