Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Good Morning,

OK, I'm keeping this one short.  I really only have one thing on my mind this AM...Let's Go USA soccer!  We need a draw or win today to make it through to the round of 16 at the World Cup.  Can't wait to watch this afternoon.

I don't know about you guys, but I have sympathy with the fact that some days go by and I have found that I've been so busy I struggle getting my reading in.  Nice to just  be outside working and hanging around, but then I'm tired and just fall asleep at the end of the day.  Gotta get back into my book here on a cloudy morning.

Take care all, and have a great day.

Mr. K

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Good Morning Readers,

I love how characters often show traits in their personalities that seem a lot like me.   That is one of the things that connects me as a reader to a particular book.  Last night as I was reading Wildwood, one of the characters did a great job of SEEMING brave, but when faced with the potential of fighting and ACTUALLY being brave, he got pretty nervous and unsure of himself.  I feel like that a lot.  I have a great ability to talk a pretty good game, but sometimes when it comes to actually doing what is needed I get nervous.  Do you ever feel that way.

It's good this happened to this particular character.  I really hadn't liked his story line very well so far, but now I have a new connection to him.  I like when authors throw a new twist into the story like that, and our opinion of the story and the character has a chance to change for the better.

Keep Reading.

Mr. K

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Good Morning everyone,

So I was able to get back to some good reading on a cloudy rainy day yesterday. 

One of the things I really like is how books can take an unexpected twist.  Just at the moment you feel you have a handle on where your book is going, the author takes you down a path you truly were not expecting.  Wildwood has done that for me.  I really was feeling like this book was following a Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe path, but now it has really gone a very different direction, which I am relieved.  I like authors who mimic some of the great works, but there is nothing better than an original story.

Also, I encountered one of our 6 traits that Mrs. Kenny taught us.  We have a new character who is doing a lot of the Words Of the Wiser on our main character.  Kind of cool that is creeping into my reading.

So, are you reading anything interesting?  Give me a shout folks.

Take care.

Mr. K

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

Good Morning one and all, was your weekend reading?  I must admit, I've been a bit distracted in my reading here in the last couple days.  Man, I've been pretty intent on getting caught up on the World Cup after being gone camping last week.  I think Caden and I have fast forwarded through 12 matches now.  We watched the USA completely mess up in the last few seconds last night against Portugal!!!!  Man, I had a hard time going to bed and reading after that one.

OK, so just to let you know, I didn't read last night.  It happens.  I promise to get back to sharing some text tomorrow!  Hope you're all have a great and safe start to summer.  Remember, keep reading and working.  You've got time to grow your skills here yet before 5th grade starts.  Keep it up!  It truly is important.

Take care.

Mr. K

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

Greetings one and all,

I'm back!  Just returned from camping in the UP here for the past week.  WOW!  I did not know so many mosquitoes could exist in one place!  Barely made it back, they got quite a bit of my blood, but I'm hoping to build my strength back up here with some good reading the next few days.

So, how's everyone doing?  If Charlie, Breckan, Jake, and Aashray are out there...I'll be giving you boys a shout here coming up for our Day with K, so hang in there, we'll get to it!

SO...Wildwood is wrapping up for me.  Again, for those of you who enjoy the fantasy/action genre, man, great book for you!  Also, I've enjoyed another book with a strong female lead character, similar to Charlotte Doyle. 

I'll be starting Higher Power of Lucky next week.

Give me a shout here folks.  How's it going with your summer reading?


Mr. K

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014


Just a quick word this AM.  I'm heading to the UP camping for vacation for a few days.  I'll be back next Friday.  So the blog will be quiet for a few days, but I'll catch up with you all soon.

Take care.

Mr. K

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Good Morning,

Big shout out to Maddie who has been emailing me about her reading.  Good deal.  Anyone else reading the sequel to Mr. Terrupt?  Maddie sounds like she's enjoying it.

My book Wildwood really got rolling last night.  You know how sometimes it takes a good 50 pages to get the plot really going and to get you feeling like you're IN the world the book has created, well that's what this has been like.  Prue and her friend Curtis have not entered the Impassable Wilderness, and they have encountered some talking animals.  I really had felt like this book was going to be a little more realistic fiction, but it's truly taken a turn into the fantasy realm.  Curtis has been captured by coyotes, and I also feel like this book is at that point where a ton of new characters are being introduced.

So let me hear back from you.  What are you reading?  Take care all.  I hope to hear from you soon.


Mr. K

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Good Morning,

I hope you're all keeping busy still.

So I have a question to ask about the book I'm reading...(Wildwood, by Miloy)...why is it that in many of the books today, the relationship is that the female is strong and brave, and the male is a little silly/goofy and kind of a doofus?  That's what's currently happening in my book.  Even though I feel like there may be a chance that things turn around and the boy becomes stronger and maybe even more hero like.  I know Prue (the girl) is the main character and we want her to be strong, but this book seems to be taking that idea to another height.  Again, I'm still in the first half of the story, so maybe this will change?

Have you read any books like this, where one character is strong, and the side-kick, although important is a little goofy?

Have a great day,

Mr. K

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good Morning again,

Well, how are your summer books coming along?  Got a start, or are you taking a short break?  GET GOING!!!

I'm continuing my new book Wildwood (Miloy).  Our main character has lost her baby brother to a murder of crows.  Yes, that's correct...a group of crows is called a murder.  Did you know that every animal in a group has a particular name to it?  A group of owls is called a parliment of owls (did I spell that wrong?).  Anyway, she has now ventured into the IMPASSABLE FOREST to try to get her brother back.  She has also lied/deceived her parents about this.  That one makes me pause.  We read books this year where characters have lied to their parents, and rarely did that work out well for them.

So again, what are you reading?  Give a shout crew.  I miss chatting with you guys!

Have a great Tuesday.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

Good Morning.

1st official day of summer vacation!  I'm planning on doing this in the AM, but we'll see how my schedule works out this summer.

Hey, a quick change from what I spoke about last week.  The book I've been waiting for at my library just came in, so I starting with the book Wildwood, by Colin Meloy.  Been a great beginning.  This is the story of a 7th grader who has been asked to watch her baby brother, but the brother has just been STOLEN by a mob of crows!!!!  She now has to enter a section of town known as the IMPASSABLE WILDERNESS.  I've already made some connections to the story.  The girl is a bird-watcher, which is cool to me since that's something I enjoy as well.  Plus, she is a big wordsmith (you know, someone who like to try out new/weird words).  Pick it up if you can guys, this one is pretty cool.  Also, the illustrator is the same lady who did all of Lemony Snicket's books. 

So what are you guys reading to start the summer?  Give me a shout.

Hope you're enjoying your 1st day.

Take care.

Mr. K