Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, December 16

This one is going to be the last blog of 2009. I'll catch back up with all of you in 2010.

Homework tonight:

1. Ask about Sir Cumference, and Lady Di of Ameter, and their dear son Radius

2. Math page 103 (due Thursday)

3. Take home math notes and study terms like congruent, supplementary, rotational symmetry, etc.
*Unit 4 test tomorrow1

4. Class party tomorrow at 3:00pm!
*Don't forget your white elephant gift.

Have a great night.

Mr. K

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15

Greetings on a Tuesday,

Nothing much new today. Here is the workload:

1. Thursday's Holiday Party: White Elephant gift (wrapped please)

2. Math: page 101 (due Wed)

3. Math: Unit 4 test Thursday (a lot of vocabulary terms on this test, please take your notes home and study a bit tonight!)

Have a great day.

Mr. K

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14

Happy Holiday's one and all,

Just a reminder to make sure to continue to send your sons/daughters with warm coats, hats, and gloves here in the next week.

Also, the Holiday Music show will be tomorrow morning around 9am or whenever the kids get their stuff set up. Please feel free to come if you'd like.

Thursday's Holiday Party will take place from 3-3:40. There is a plan for a game, a snack, and a "White Elephant" gift exchange. We went over what this is in class today. Please, do not feel you need to purchase something. Send in the nasty ornament that you always put at the back of the tree, or that Christmas CD that you never listen to because it is SO awful. You know, something we'll get a giggle out of.

Friday will be a pretty laid back day. COMPLIMENT PARTY (finally! been postponed twice!) as well as a craft and creating a gift for our 2nd grade buddies ($1 donation for that is appreciated)

Homework tonight:

1. Math: pages 97 and 99 (due Tuesday)

2. Math: Unit 4 test will be Thursday morning (first thing)

Take care all,

Mr. K

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 8

Greetings on a snowy Tuesday,

Here is tonight's homework:

1. Westing Game Packets and book should go home tonight. The packets do not need to be completed, but it is a great opportunity to get a few characters filled in minimally.

2. Math Tests (unit 3) MUST BE TURNED IN WED!

3. Math pages 93 and 94 (Wed)

4. Copy of your latest Writing needs to go home tonight (some may be printed, others will simply be in written form in their writer's notebook)
*This is not in final draft form currently. The final is due on Friday.
*Don't correct EVERYTHING in your son/daughters writing. Simply be a sounding board. Ask questions about missing details. Give ideas, but this isn't a grammar lesson where EVERY single error NEEDS to be perfect.

That's all for tonight. Thanks.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3

Greetings one and all,

We officially finished our math tests today, but they will not be returned until Monday. They look good upon first glance.

Here is the homework to know:

1. Spelling: Sort your words in a different style than you did last night (for example, you might try alphabetical order)

2. Social Studies Test will be Tuesday, Dec. 8

3. Make sure you are reading 20 minutes per night

4. Writing: YOur 2nd published piece is due on Friday, Dec. 11

I'll be gone tomorrow and over the weekend, but I'll see all of you on Monday once again. Take care all.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2

Hey everyone,

Wow! A lot of hard work was done today. I feel like I worked the kids pretty hard, so don't be surprised if they are a little tired, especially after the nice week off.

*Just a reminder that I will be gone on a personal day on Friday (my grandma turns 80 on Saturday in western Wisconsin so we are driving out on Friday morning, should be fun in the SNOW!!)

We had a tough/long math test today, so NO math homework tonight.

1. Do the 1st word SORT tonight and have your son/daughter show you how we sorted the words in class today. Also, start identifying any words that might become tricky as we focus on how they are spelled later this week.

2. Some students will be taking home their Writer's Notebook as our 2nd piece of published writing is due on Friday, December 11

*A note concerning the Winter Klanderman Auction will come home tomorrow as well. Get ready!

*Autumn, Zack, Quentin, Addy, and Drew all volunteered food for tomorrow's Spanish food day, thanks to all five of you! Remember we just need enough for a class of 26 to SAMPLE those items.

Take care all,

Mr. K

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, December 1

Welcome back to one and all!

We are rolling once again! Here is what is going on with a busy Tuesday:

1. Math: pages 78 and 79 (due Wed)
Math Unit 3 test will also be on Wednesday! We reviewed today and the kids know what and how to study.

2. Word Study (Spelling) kicked off today. The kids are ONLY supposed to cut out their sorts tonight. Tomorrow you will get to actually practice the sort.

3. Science: Parent Letter comes home tonight

4. Social Studies: (only homework for those who did not finish in class) Writing Assessment

*For Spanish on Thursday I need ten individual food items. These can be anything common that we could sample. For example crackers (one box would work as we only need to sample the food for Spanish class. I also need to know what items are coming in, so if you could just let me know on the short notice by tomorrow, that would be great. Again, we do NOT need all of you to participate, but if you have something easy that we could use as a model for Spanish class, that would be great.)


Mr. K